When people ask me of late “What do you do?” I’ve struggled to come up with an answer that adequately explains. But after much prayer, thought (and a few chocolate bars) — I’ve got it....Unissionary!

I’m a unissionary — a missionary for unity.

The unity of the church has been my consuming passion for the last 10 years. Notwithstanding all our sincere outreach programmes, Jesus said that the unity of the church (John 17:23) was the single most effective way to let the world know that God loves them, and has sent Jesus for them.

I believe Jesus was talking about a unity of the Spirit (Eph 4:3) - a relational unity based on mutual respect and friendship, fuelled by information and awareness, leading to strategic impact and influence in the community.

It was with this in mind that at the beginning of 2005, I relinquished my role as a full-time pastor. I had been a church minister for 21 years, the last 16 of them at The Gospel Centre—a thriving multicultural church in the heart of Haringey. But the demands of leading a local congregation left little time to pursue the friendships and networking necessary to enhance wider unity in the borough.

I have taken this step of faith in the belief that God wants me to do all I can to serve His purpose in Haringey. 

The unity of the church already exists  - it’s up to us to discover it, walk in it, and endeavour to keep it. I’ve established Bless Haringey as a banner under which I can serve this goal, and I would covet your prayers and support. I would also welcome the opportunity to meet with you personally, and/or speak publicly about what God is doing. If you want to help, get involved, or just find out more, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

To contact us:

Phone: 0208 883 8935

Mob: 07939 043 883

Email: brendan.munro@blessharingey.com

Community impact through Christian unity

Bless Haringey


Brendan Munro

Brendan’s first book now available. Click picture for details